“Converted Unto the Lord (3 Nephi 28:23)

March 10, 2018

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

3067 Ooltewah-Ringgold Road     Ooltewah, TN 37363


Please bring your donation and give to a member of your ward/branch Relief Society Presidency by Sunday, March 4th! Please look for sign up sheets each Sunday. We will be putting the bags together at Women's Conference this year!

This year our service project for Relief Society Women's Conference will be making individual bags for cancer patients receiving different treatments.  We plan to distribute these bags to several different cancer centers in the Chattanooga area since they service the surrounding counties.  We hope that each unit can participate by donating things that we have suggested from talking to different hospitals and patients in these cancer centers. The following list is as follows:

1. unscented lotion
2. puzzle books (crossword, suduko, word find, etc.)
3. warm socks
4. chap stick
5. hard candies
6. fleece or flannel lap size blankets (adult size)
7. plastic silverware (this should be a hard plastic that can go into the dishwasher and be used over and over again)

The Stake RS will furnish the bags for this project.  

Opening Session - 9:00 a.m.

Conversion in the Scriptures

Brother Judd Rambo, Seminary & Institute Coordinator

Stories of Conversion, from which we can learn and be uplifted, abound in the scriptures. Ammon’s story, from being converted to helping the Lord convert others, is especially insightful. First, he had a mighty change of heart and was converted, then he, through the Spirit, converted “a wild and . . . ferocious people.” (Alma 17:14). Those converted “chose to leave behind their sinful behavior. So complete was their conversion that they buried their weapons and covenanted with the Lord that they would never use them again” (Elder Richard G. Scott). How do we identify our own weapons of war? How does conversion help us to bury them deep in the earth? What insights can we gain from the scriptures about our own conversion?

Class Descriptions


Block 1 (9:40-10:25am):

Managing Anxiety and Stress

Dr. JulieAnn Krogel, LDS Pyschologist

Meet with Dr. JulieAnn Krogel, Licensed Clinical Psychologist and learn what causes anxiety and stress. Identify patterns of thought and behavior that sustain anxiety and stress in every day life. Then explore a host of practical options on how to reduce the anxiety and cope with chaos beyond our control.

Anxiety Handout

JulieAnn Krogel, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist with a private practice in Oak Ridge TN. She works with a variety of mental health issues including anxiety and depression and specializes in marriage counseling and sexual addictions. She works with many members of the LDS faith and especially enjoys her work with the Knoxville Mission. She earned her doctoral degree at BYU and worked for both the BYU and Purdue university counseling centers before opening her private practice in Champaign, Illinois. She moved her family and her practice to Oak Ridge TN 4 years ago for her husbands research at Oak Ridge National Lab. JulieAnn's favorite thing to do is to spend time with her two children (ages 11 and 9) and she gets off work at 3:30 each day to be with them. She also enjoys playing the piano, ballroom dancing, hiking, vacations, and going on dates.

Understanding and Living the Doctrine of Christ 

Brother Rambo, Seminary & Institute Coordinator

President Russell M. Nelson warned, “Attacks against the Church, its doctrine, and our way of life are going to increase. Because of this, we need women who have a bedrock understanding to teach and help raise a sin-resistant generation.” The scriptures define the doctrine of Christ as exercising faith in Jesus Christ, repenting, being baptized, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. How do we deepen our understanding of this doctrine? As we understand the doctrine, how do we best teach it to our families and others? What does it mean to take upon ourselves the name of Christ? How can a testimony of the doctrine of Christ create “a sin-resistant generation”?

Brother Rambo is the Seminary & Institute coordinator for east Tennessee. He was born and raised in Pittsburgh PA. He has worked for the church for 20 years. Judd married Julie Hill in April 1997. They are the parents of four children. Austin (19) is serving a full-time mission in Carlsbad CA. Kate (17) is preparing to attend BYU. Ellie (15) is getting ready for her driver’s license. Taylor (10) plays volleyball. Brother Rambo’s favorite things are time with his family, following the prophets, riding his motorcycles, and eating cheeseburgers with bacon on them.

Endowed with Power from the Temple

Ryan and Liz Adams, Athens Ward

“Our responsibility is to ‘receive’ that which our Father offers. ‘For unto him that receiveth it shall be given more abundantly, even power’ (D&C 71:6): power to receive all that He can and will give us —- now and eternally; power to become sons and daughters of God, to know ‘the powers of heaven,’ to speak in His name, and to receive ‘the power of [His] Spirit.’ These powers become available personally to each one of us through the ordinances and the covenants of the temple.” (Elder Kent F. Richards). How can we ensure the covenants and ordinances we make and perform in the temple endow us with power and bless us and our families? In what ways can we make our time in the temple more meaningful?

Ryan and Liz live way out in the woods in Decatur where there is a higher population of cows than people. They have 6 children and 50 chickens. Ryan works as a retirement planner during the day and a chicken wrangler at night. Liz works at home as a mom and taxi driver and freelances as a photographer. 

Care Bags for Cancer Patients Services Project

This year our service project for Relief Society Women's Conference will be making individual bags for cancer patients receiving different treatments.  We plan to distribute these bags to several different cancer centers in the Chattanooga area since they service the surrounding counties.  In this block of time we will be writing encouraging notes, and stuffing the bags together.

Block 2 (10:30-11:15am):

Personal Boundaries

Dr. JulieAnn Krogel, LDS Psychologist

Go beyond just saying no. Come learn when to say yes as well as no to help yourself find balance, reduce stress, and feel like your efforts are enough. We will also explore the boundaries we have with ourselves, how we treat ourselves, and which voices we allow to determine our worth.

Personal Boundaries Handout

JulieAnn Krogel, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist with a private practice in Oak Ridge TN. She works with a variety of mental health issues including anxiety and depression and specializes in marriage counseling and sexual addictions. She works with many members of the LDS faith and especially enjoys her work with the Knoxville Mission. She earned her doctoral degree at BYU and worked for both the BYU and Purdue university counseling centers before opening her private practice in Champaign Illinois. She moved her family and her practice to Oak Ridge TN 4 years ago for her husbands research at Oak Ridge National Lab. JulieAnn's favorite thing to do is to spend time with her two children (ages 11 and 9) and she gets off work at 3:30 each day to be with them. She also enjoys playing the piano, ballroom dancing, hiking, vacations, and going on dates.

How to Be Happy Living within Our Own Personal Budget 

Nori Batman and Aimee Silvenis, Cleveland Ward

All too often a family’s spending is governed more by their yearning than by their earning. They somehow believe that their life will be better if they surround themselves with an abundance of things. All too often all they are left with is avoidable anxiety and distress. Those who live safely within their means know how much money comes in each month, and even though it is difficult, they discipline themselves to spend less than that amount. (Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin) Stop chasing the Jones’ and learn strategies on being happy and content living within your budget.

Budget Handouts & Presentation

Amiee Silvenis- I live in McDonald, TN, near Cleveland.  I’ve lived here for almost 7 years. I graduated from BYU with a Master of Accountancy, focus on tax, and I’m a CPA. I’m currently a stay-at-home mom.  Some hobbies are reading, music, and puzzles.

Nori Batman- I'm from Hungary. I'm a convert. I served a mission to Chicago. I have three children. I work part time. I married Mills in the D.C. Temple. After going to BYU in both Idaho then Utah, we lived in Texas and now we've lived here for about seven years. 

Investidos con Poder del Templo ( Español)

Ryan and Liz Adams, Barrio de Athens

“Porque a quien reciba le será dado mas abundantemente, a saber, poder. (D&C 71:6): poder para recibir todo lo que He puede y nos dará-- -ahora y eternamente, poder para ser hijos e hijas de Dios, y saber ‘los poderes del cielo,’ para hablar en Su nombre, y para recibir el poder de {Su} Espíritu. Estos poderes
serán disponibles a cada uno de nosotros a través de las ordenanzas y los convenios del templo.” (Élder Kent F.
Richards). ¿Cómo podemos asegurar que los convenios y ordenanzas que hacemos en el templo nos invistan con poder y bendiciones para nuestras familias?

Ryan and Liz live way out in the woods in Decatur where there is a higher population of cows than people. They have 6 children and 50 chickens. Ryan works as a retirement planner during the day and a chicken wrangler at night. Liz works at home as a mom and taxi driver and freelances as a photographer. 

Do I Give the Lord Equal Time?

President and Sister Barrott, Hixson Ward

When faced with doubts or adversity, a guiding principle is to “give the Lord equal time” (Elder M. Russell Ballard). Elder Richard G Scott taught, “When we are consistently praying morning and night, studying our scriptures daily, having weekly family home evening, and attending the temple regularly, we are actively responding to [Jesus Christ’s] invitation to ‘come unto Him.’ The more we develop these daily habits, the more anxious is Satan to harm us but the less is his ability to do so.” Elder M Russell Ballard said, “As we give ourselves to Christ, fully and completely, we find safety,peace, joy, and security in Him.” How do we give ourselves to Christ? How do we prioritize to keep first things first with so many demands on our time? How does giving the Lord equal time strengthen our testimony?

President and Sister Barrott are from Southeast Idaho, and they have lived in Chattanooga for 32 years. They have raised eight children here and now have 13 grandchildren. They enjoy being out in nature, family visits, family history, going to the temple, and all kinds of sports. 

Care Bags for Cancer Patients Services Project

This year our service project for Relief Society Women's Conference will be making individual bags for cancer patients receiving different treatments.  We plan to distribute these bags to several different cancer centers in the Chattanooga area since they service the surrounding counties.  In this block of time we will be writing encouraging notes, and stuffing the bags together.

Block 3 (11:20-12:05pm):

Angels Are All Around Us 

Phil Smartt, Brainerd Ward

“In the gospel of Jesus Christ you have help from both sides of the veil, and you must never forget that. When disappointment and discouragement strike—-and they will—-you remember and never forget that if our eyes could be opened we would see horses and chariots of fire as far as the eye can see riding at reckless speed to come to our protection. They will always be there, these armies of heaven, in defense of Abraham’s seed.” (Elder Holland) Who are these angels and what is their mission? Who is entitled to the ministering of angels? What angels are concerned about us? How do angels communicate with us? How important is faith in our relationship with angels? Do angels know us better than we know them?

Phil Smartt, born and raised in Chattanooga,Tn. First Chattanoogan to attend BYU. First Chattanoogan to serve a full time mission for the church. Served as Bishop of the Brainerd Ward for 5 years and Stake President of the Chattanooga Stake for 10 years. Served as Mission President in the California Oakland Mission with wife Gloria. We had the largest number of missionaries in the church and served with 700 over a three year period from 40 different countries. We were the first missionaries called to open the country of Bosnia and served there for 2 years. I enjoy serving in the community both civic and politically. The lectures I will present were given at the BYU education week August 2017 to overflow crowds.

Intentional Parenting 

Aprile Nielsen, Harrison Bay Ward

President Russell M. Nelson taught, “No other work transcends that of righteous, intentional parenting!” Sister Sheri Dew reminded us: “Motherhood is more than bearing children . . . it is the essence of who we are as women. It defines our very identity, our divine stature and nature.” Although we recognize that motherhood is a most sacred responsibility, being a mother, especially of young children, can sometimes leave us feeling depleted physically, mentally, and spiritually. However, if we perform simple, daily tasks mindfully and prayerfully, we and our children can become sanctified, and we can experience true joy in motherhood. How can we learn to parent young children more mindfully? How can we become sanctified through simple acts?

Intentional Parenting Quote

Presentation Slides 

Our family moved to Ooltewah in 2015 for my husband’s employment with Westinghouse Nuclear. We were definitely prompted to live exactly where we are! We came from Logan, Utah where we had lived since getting married in 2002. I grew up in the Salt Lake Valley ( Midvale City) and attended Snow Collegde for 2 years to get my AAS degree in business management. I was store manager of a Hallmark store and a Mariposa clothing store before I quit working when my first child was born. I have 3 children: Benjamin Jr. (13) Christopher (11) and Adelyn (5). I have always been career driven, but once I became a mother I channeled all my focus into being a mother\ homemaker. My hobbies include singing, attending various music performances, and I love all things “social.” My current calling is Stake Primary President, but I’ve spent 13 years in various Primary roles and callings. Children did not start out as my first love, but I’ve grown to have a very special place in my heart for all God’s children. 

Becoming a Converted, Covenant-keeping Woman 

Josselyn Nielsen, Signal Mountain Branch

Elder Dallin H. Oaks taught that testimony is “to know and to declare” while conversion “requires us to do and to become.” How do we become converted, covenant-keeping women? How do we remain persistent and patient in the process? Sheri Dew stated, “I believe that the moment we learn to unleash the full influence of converted, covenant-keeping women, the kingdom of God will change overnight.” What kind of impact can you have as a devoted disciple? What are the promised blessings that come to righteous women?

I was born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and when I was 8 years old my mother and I migrated to the United States. I did not grow up knowing about the gospel or the importance of covenants, but I admired those who believed in God. While serving in Japan for the United States Navy, I married the man who introduced me to the LDS church. At this point I had a choice to make, either I could continue on with my life as all the generations of women that came before me, or I could convert to a life of covenant keeping.  Now 17 years later, I am sealed to my eternal husband and my three beautiful kids.  For the past year we've lived on Signal Mountain, with a wonderful branch family, a charming house surrounded by nature, and 20 chickens. 

Care Bags for Cancer Patients Services Project

This year our service project for Relief Society Women's Conference will be making individual bags for cancer patients receiving different treatments.  We plan to distribute these bags to several different cancer centers in the Chattanooga area since they service the surrounding counties.  In this block of time we will be writing encouraging notes, and stuffing the bags together.

Block 4 (12:10-12:55pm):

Fasting—A Gift of Joy

Mark Mendenhall, Signal Mountain

Since the time of Adam, God's people have fasted to help them draw near to him and to worship him. Jesus showed the importance of fasting by his own example. Through latter-day revelation, we learn that the Lord still expects his people to fast and pray often. What should we do on fast day to make fasting more meaningful?

Janet and I have lived in Signal Mountain since 1989. We moved here from Los Angeles, and fell in love with the area, so we stayed. I am a professor at UTC, and since 1982 I have been studying, teaching, and consulting organizations about how leaders and managers who are transferred overseas can be successful when working in new cultures. My hobbies include genealogical research, soccer (I follow the Premier League and the Bundesliga), and theological history.

Building Confidence and Self-Worth 

Mama Rine Clark, Chattanooga Branch

Do you struggle with feeling inadequate? The scriptures teach “And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weaknesses that they may be humble, and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.” (Ether 12:27) How can I have the humility necessary to make my weaknesses become strong? How can I reach my fullest potential and be confident in the sight of God?

I live in East Ridge, TN. I have been in the area for a little over 2 years. I'm completely confident that I'm not confident about my confidence, but I am confident we will learn something about confidence...? 2 Timothy 1:7  For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

The Blessing of Spiritual Gifts  

Phil Smartt, Brainerd Ward

Every covenant keeping woman has at least one spiritual gift, and the Lord encourages His children to “seek....earnestly the best gifts, always remembering for what they are given” (D&C 46:8) What are spiritual gifts? How many spiritual gifts are there? Should we desire spiritual gifts? How do we obtain these gifts? Why is it so important to have spiritual gifts?

Phil Smartt, born and raised in Chattanooga,Tn. First Chattanoogan to attend BYU. First Chattanoogan to serve a full time mission for the church. Served as Bishop of the Brainerd Ward for 5 years and Stake President of the Chattanooga Stake for 10 years. Served as Mission President in the California Oakland Mission with wife Gloria. We had the largest number of missionaries in the church and served with 700 over a three year period from 40 different countries. We were the first missionaries called to open the country of Bosnia and served there for 2 years. I enjoy serving in the community both civic and politically. The lectures I will present were given at the BYU education week August 2017 to overflow crowds.

Ser una mujer convertida y fiel ( Español)

Josselyn Nielson, Rama de Signal Mountain

El Élder Dallin H. Oaks enseñó que el testimonio es “saber y declarar” mientras la conversión “require que obremos y nos transformemos”. ¿Cómo seremos mujeres convertidas y fieles? ¿cómo mantenemos la persistencia y la paciencia en el proceso? Sheri Dew declaró, “Creo que una vez que aprendamos a realizar la potencial e influencia completas de mujeres convertidas y fieles, el reino el Dios será más potente más
pronto. ¿Qué clase de impacto puedes tener como un discípulo devoto? ¿Cuáles son las bendiciones prometidas para las mujeres rectas y justas?

I was born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and when I was 8 years old my mother and I migrated to the United States. I did not grow up knowing about the gospel or the importance of covenants, but I admired those who believed in God. While serving in Japan for the United States Navy, I married the man who introduced me to the LDS church. At this point I had a choice to make, either I could continue on with my life as all the generations of women that came before me, or I could convert to a life of covenant keeping.  Now 17 years later, I am sealed to my eternal husband and my three beautiful kids.  For the past year we've lived on Signal Mountain, with a wonderful branch family, a charming house surrounded by nature, and 20 chickens. 

Care Bags for Cancer Patients Services Project

This year our service project for Relief Society Women's Conference will be making individual bags for cancer patients receiving different treatments.  We plan to distribute these bags to several different cancer centers in the Chattanooga area since they service the surrounding counties.  In this block of time we will be writing encouraging notes, and stuffing the bags together.

Participant Information

Class Registration

  • In the chapel at 9 am.

Countdown to Conference:

NaN days, NaN hours, NaN minutes, NaN seconds

Almost done, where should we send the confirmation?

RegFox Event Registration Software